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Soylent Green

En Galicitas, o Wikiquote en galego.

Soylent Green, é unha película de 1973, protagonizada por Charlton Heston e Edward G. Robinson. Dirixida por Richard Fleischer.

  • Governor Santini is brought to you today by Soylent Red, and Soylent Yellow. And, new, delicious, Soylent Green: The "miracle food" of high energy plankton, gathered from the oceans of the world. Due to its enormous popularity, Soylent Green is in short supply, so remember -- Tuesday is Soylent Green day.
    • Temos ó gobernador Santini aquí cortesía de Soylent Red e Soylent Yellow. E o novo, delicioso, Soylent Green. A comida do milagre feita de plancto de alta enerxía, recollida dos océanos do mundo. Debido á súa enorme popularidade, Soylent Green escasea, así que lembre: o martes é o día do Soylent Green.
    • Cal é o segredo do Soylent Green?
  • You don't understand... I've seen it. I've seen it happening. The ocean is dying, the plankton is dying... It's people! Soylent Green is made out of people. They're making our food out of people. Soon, they'll be breeding us like cattle -- for food! You gotta tell 'em! Listen to me, Hatcher! You gotta tell 'em -- SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!!! We gotta stop them! Somehow! Listen! Listen to me... PLEASE!!!
    • Non o entenden... Eu vino. Vino pasar. O océano está a morrer, o plancto está a morrer... É xente. O Soylent Green está feito de xente. Fan comida coa xente. Pronto estarán a cebarnos como a gando... comida! Tedes que contalo! Escoiteme, Hatcher! Tes que contalo, o Soylent Green está feito de xente! Temos que paralos! Dlgún xeito! Escoite! Escóiteme... por favor!