Mae West
Mae West |
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Mae West, pseudónimo de Mary Jane West (17 de agosto de 1893, Brooklyn, New York, EUA – 22 de novembro de 1980) foi unha actriz e 'sex symbol' estadounidense.
- "Un home ten cen dólares e déixalo con dous. Iso é substración."
- - A man has one hundred dollars and you leave him with two dollars. That's subtraction.
- - citado en "The book of Hollywood quotes" - páxina 96, Gary Herman - Omnibus Press, 1979, ISBN 0-8256-3943-3, 9780825639432 - 128 páxinas
- - A man has one hundred dollars and you leave him with two dollars. That's subtraction.
- "O casamento é unha grande institución, mais eu non estou preparada para as institucións".
- - citado en "O Livro de Ouro do Sexo" - Páxina 38, Regina Navarro Lins, Flario Braga, Pocket Ouro, 2005, ISBN 85-00-01633-7, 9788500016332- 528 páxinas
- "Cando son boa, son boa. Cando son mala, son inda mellor!"
- - MAE WEST en "Santa não Sou" (1933) conforme citado en "As melhores frases do cinema" - Páxina 17, Mariza Gualano, Editora Garamond, 2002, ISBN 85-7617-016-7, 9788576170167 - 104 páxinas
- "Entre dous males, escollo sempre aquel que nunca experimentei"
- - Between two evils I always pick the one I never tried
- - no filme "Klondike Annie" (1936), conforme citado en "From Aristotelian to Reaganomics: a dictionary of eponyms with biographies in the social sciences" - Páxina 387, R. C. S. Trahair - Greenwood Publishing Group, 1994, ISBN 0-313-27961-6, 9780313279614 - 721 páxinas
- - Between two evils I always pick the one I never tried
- - When women go wrong, men go right after them.
- - no filme "She Done Him Wrong" (1933), conforme citado en imdb
- - When women go wrong, men go right after them.
- - To err is human. But it feels divine.
- - citado en "Cash in!: funding and promoting the arts : a compendium of imaginative concepts, tested ideas and case histories of programs and promotions that make money" - páxina 216, Alvin H. Reiss - Theatre Communications Group, 1986, ISBN 0-930452-59-3, 9780930452599 - 230 páxinas
- - To err is human. But it feels divine.
- "Nunca será demaisdo vello para chegar a ser máis novo"
- - You're never too old to become younger.
- - citado en "Make eyes with Madeleine Mono: every woman's step-by-step guide to ..." - páxina 133, Madeleine Mono - Harper & Row, 1981, ISBN 0-690-01945-9, 9780690019452 - 143 páxinas
- - You're never too old to become younger.
- "As boas mozas van ao ceo, pero as malas van a todos os sitios."
- - Good girls go to heaven, but bad girls go everywhere
- - citado en "African children: their faces and their thoughts" - páxina 28, Thomas S. Gale - Independent Communications Associates Ltd., 1998, ISBN 9966-9983-0-6, 9789966998309 - 120 páxinas
- - Good girls go to heaven, but bad girls go everywhere