Kin Hubbard
Kin Hubbard |
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Kin Hubbard, pseudónimo de Frank McKinney Hubbard (1 de setembro de 1868, Bellefontaine, Ohio, EUA - 26 de decembro de 1930, Indianapolis, Indiana, EUA), humorista e xornalista estadounidense.
- "O colega que te chama "irmán" xeralmente quere algo que non lle pertence a el."
- - The feller that calls you "brother" generally wants something that don`t belong to him
- - citado en "Encore: a continuing anthology" - Páxina 19, de Smith, Dent - The Encore press., 1946
- - The feller that calls you "brother" generally wants something that don`t belong to him
- "Existen dúas maneiras de lidar cunha muller, e ninguén as coñece."
- - There are two ways to handle a woman, and nobody knows either of them
- - citado en "Have you ever noticed?: the wit and irony of every day life", de Joe Moore - Press Pacifica, 1985, ISBN 0-916630-44-7, 9780916630447 - 91 páxinas
- - There are two ways to handle a woman, and nobody knows either of them
- "De vez en cando un home inocente é escollido para a lexislatura."
- - Now an' then an innocent man is sent t' th' legislature.
- - The best of Kin Hubbard: Abe Martin's sayings and wisecracks,Abe's neighbors, his almanack, comic drawings, de Kin Hubbard, editado por David S. Hawes, Indiana University Press, 1984, ISBN 0-253-10611-7, 9780253106117, 144 páxinas
- - Now an' then an innocent man is sent t' th' legislature.
- "Parece que nada consegue ir ben até que hai algunhas renuncias."
- - It seems that nothing ever gets to going good till there's a few resignations.
- - citado en "The World's Greatest Wacky One-Line Jokes" - páxina 94, de Bob Phillips - Harvest House Publishers, 2005, ISBN 0-7369-1426-9, 9780736914260 - 124 páxinas
- - It seems that nothing ever gets to going good till there's a few resignations.