Alfred Hitchcock
Alfred Hitchcock |
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Alfred Hitchcock (13 de agosto de 1899, Londres, Inglaterra - 29 de abril de 1980, Los Angeles, EUA) foi un cineasta británico, considerado o mestre dos filmes de suspense.
- "Estilo é plaxiarse a un mesmo".
- - citado en "Mil Beijos Em Frases: Gotas de Sabedoria Para Indicar Caminhos" - Páxina 46, Jacqueline Shor - Nobel, 1999, ISBN 85-213-1118-4, 9788521311188 - 140 páxinas
- "Hai algo máis importante que a lóxica: a imaxinación."
- - citado en "3001 pensamentos" - Páxina 220, CABADA, Gerardo, Edicoes Loyola, 2001, ISBN 85-15-02307-5, 9788515023073 - 288 páxinas
- "A televisión dos lares estadounidenses é como a torradeira. Premes un botón e sae case sempre a mesma cousa."
- - The television set in American homes is like the toaster. You press a button and the same thing pops up almost every time.
- - citado en "The Reader's digest: Volume 85" - páxina 26, DeWitt Wallace, Lila Bell Acheson Wallace - 1964
- - The television set in American homes is like the toaster. You press a button and the same thing pops up almost every time.
- “Nunca vire as costas a un amigo.”
- - Never turn your back on a friend.
- - citado en "Cue: the weekly magazine of New York life" - páxina 54, Cue Publishing Co., 1965
- - Never turn your back on a friend.
- “O diálogo debe ser simplemente un son entre outros sons, só algo que sae da boca de persoas cuxos ollos contan a historia en termos visuais.”
- - Dialogue should simply be a sound among other sounds, just something that comes out of the mouths of people whose eyes tell the story in visual terms.
- - citado en "The Commonweal: Volume 87;Volume 87", 1967
- - Dialogue should simply be a sound among other sounds, just something that comes out of the mouths of people whose eyes tell the story in visual terms.
- “As loiras fan as mellores vítimas. Son como neve virxe, que mostra as sanguentas pegadas.”
- - Blondes make the best victims. They're like virgin snow that shows up the bloody footprints.
- - citado en "The entertainers" - páxina 109, Timothy White - Billboard Books, 1998, ISBN 0-8230-7606-7, 9780823076062 - 432 páxinas
- - Blondes make the best victims. They're like virgin snow that shows up the bloody footprints.
- “Sempre faga o público sufrir tanto como sexa posíbel.”
- - Always make the audience suffer as much as possible.
- - citado en "Halliwell's filmgoer's companion: incorporating The filmgoer's book of quotes and Halliwell's movie quiz" - páxina 341, Leslie Halliwell - Grafton, 1988, ISBN 0-246-13322-8, 9780246133229 - 786 páxinas
- - Always make the audience suffer as much as possible.
- - Even my failures make money and become classics a year after I make them.
- - citado en "Halliwell's filmgoer's companion: incorporating The filmgoer's book of quotes and Halliwell's movie quiz" - páxina 341, Leslie Halliwell - Grafton, 1988, ISBN 0-246-13322-8, 9780246133229 - 786 páxinas
- - Even my failures make money and become classics a year after I make them.